Long-time member of Growth Corp’s Loan Committee and Membership retired on April 30, 2019

Growth Corp would like to commemorate John Maxfield’s April 30, 2019, retirement from Illinois National Bank.  John had been an active member of Growth Corp’s Loan Committee and Membership since 1997 and had served the banking industry for 40 years.  John’s support of community organizations and his advocacy for his customers was quite impressive.  Growth Corp was fortunate to find a banking partner so willing to consider alternative programs that would allow his bank to say “yes” when simply saying “no” would have been the easier option.  Because of this commitment to clients, many more businesses were able to start and/or expand than would otherwise have been able to do so.

To read more about John, please visit the Illinois National Bank blog.


John, thank you for all you did for Growth Corp…and for all you did to grow our communities.